This is one time it is ok to be silent. Be silent with your hard earned dollars and do NOT give them to the companies that go against our American values. You do not have to just accept the Woke companies and their politically motivated ways.

The de facto policy of big corporations is to always stand with the liberals. Just look at the ridiculous 'donations' that were just made to BLM out of fear. They know the Left will shame them if they don't follow in lock step to their demands and they are afraid of the Left threatening to boycott.

Boycotting by the Right is one way for the silent majority to stand up and make a difference. The almighty dollar is still the most influential part of the equation.

We must show them that we can and will stop buying their products and services if they continue to mock our beliefs.

Does boycotting really work? There are several recent examples that show it can make a difference.

We have all read articles or heard on the news that a certain company went Woke. We say "I am not going to use that company". And then a few days later you are buying something from that company without knowing it.

There are many reasons to consider boycotting companies. We are making it easier to help you determine if you think a company should be boycotted.

Our boycott pages will give you the ability to search for companies that don't stand up to your convictions.

For example, one component to consider is how these companies donate. If you don't want to give money to the democrat party, then search for companies that meet that criteria and put them on your banned list.

It is your freedom to buy from whatever company you want. A free market system is an amazing opportunity that we have as Americans. Find the companies that you believe in and support them. Use our Company search page to find companies that match your values.

The Unwoke's silence will be deafening. Make a difference by being silent towards the companies that don't care about your ideals.

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