Company Values
Pro Voter Fraud
2021-04-14: Hundreds of executives run ad in US newspapers to decry Georgia's election laws
Censors / Blacklists
2020-11-16: Airbnb Cancels Trump Supporter's Account, Citing 'Hate Group' Ties
2017-01-10: Airbnb leaves Trump supporters out in the cold
Supports Marxist BLM
2020-06-02: Airbnb donates $500,000 to Black Lives Matter and NAACP after laying off 1,900 employees
Leftist Ownership
2017-01-24: How Airbnb's liberal executives are trashing the free market
Democrat / Woke Donor
2020-07-21: Political Donations from 2012-2020
2021-06-30: 451 corporations who support the '[In]Equality Act' to erase genders